Wealth Academy

What you don’t know WILL hurt you!

More people than ever worry about money, retirement, and their financial future and yet so few address these challenges. This reason is that many people believe the only path to financial security and retirement is to save a lot of money, and because they are unable to do this, they believe there is nothing more they can do.
This simply isn’t true! There is a solution to the struggle to save money! The Mark 1 Wealth Academy and its Real Estate Wealth Advisors will show you the way to secure financial security and even wealth!

To learn more, go to Mark1WealthAcademy.com to register for an upcoming event or schedule your confidential consultation and get Your Path to Wealth Personal Plan!

Say Goodbye to Your 401K and IRA!

Is using a 401k/IRA the best way to build your retirement income?

The short answer to the question is NO; and it’s not even close!

The 401K and IRA were created over 35 years ago to consultation. help Americans replace pensions. These plans, while well intentioned, have failed miserably. The number of people that are able to retire every year has been steadily declining and has reached numbers unseen since the Great Depression.

These plans have failed because of the impact of inflation on expenses. Increased costs exceed the average American family’s ability to save what they need to secure retirement.

Here’s an example of how the 401k / IRA will FAIL:

To start, let’s say you start with $10,000 in your retirement account and add $250 to it each month. With a generous annual growth rate of 5% after management fees, in 25 years, your 401K savings will grow to a balance of $183,690.

Next, let’s say your monthly expenses are $5,000. Using inflation rate of just 2.5%, in 25 years, your monthly expenses will grow to $9,269 per month.

This means your retirement income from your life savings of $183,000 will only produce $765 per month. This means you will come up short $8,504 per MONTH! At this rate, you will run out of money after being retired for 1.65 years.


The retirement crisis is very fixable, BUT because so many BELIEVE that their only solution is to save far more money than they can, they do nothing.

Your Path to Wealth Personal Plan will help you secure a lifetime of financial peace of mind!

Schedule your free consultation today with one of our Mark 1-Real Estate Wealth Advisors and get Your Path to Wealth Personal Plan!

Don’t you think it is time to put an end to wondering and worrying if you will be able to retire?

To your financial success!